


Anonymous said...

hey julia! are you by any chance available october 27th???? it would be 7:15 till about 11?

Anonymous said...

Sounds great! call me (or comment) with details.

Hey, did you play the video? Whenever someone clicks "play," it goes to your blog and plays there. I did use the embed code after watching it on your blog. When I noticed it going to your blog, I tried the embed code from YouTube but it wouldn't work. I kept getting an error message that said "required field must not be left blank." Any ideas as to how to fix it so the video won't revert to your blog?

Anonymous said...

no clue. i just did it from the youtube sight as well. hmmm. weird.

dave and i will be at a friend's house for an outdoor movie night thing they do every year. they live just north of judson and tryon, so we won't be too far. last year i think it went till around 10:30 or 11, but i can't remember exactly (we can get back earlier if you need since it's a saturday night). and i'll be happy to come pick you up. probably around 6:45?

Anonymous said...

sounds great! I guess you remember where our house is? If not, call me.