The time has come.
I'm going to reveal my deepest, darkest secret.
This has been going on for at least six years.
I wasn't going to say anything, but the time has come for me to be free from hidden secreets. My life will be so much better after I get this incredible weight off my chest. Even though it's going to be difficult, I'm about to face my fear and not let it rule over me anymore. I need to be free. My hands are sweaty. Deep goes. I'm not saying this twice, so you'd better read closely.
Every time I walk down a long, empty hall, at school or at church, I feel an irresistible urge to
I'm not kidding.
the end.
well at least you're not wanting to cartwheel down the hall in just your skinnies (like my kids do) ;)
Just do it!
I deal with that all the time! It's still a struggle...and I'm 25. :)
Kelly, I'm glad to know I'm not alone. ;) Stephanie, one day I'm going to do it. Seriously. Life is short!
While acting as a page in the Oklahoma state legislature, I ran errands all over the capital building which had four grand marble stairwells in the four corners of the building. I was 15 and quite respectable in my sweater set and skirt... yet I was still seized by the ridiculous notion to SLIDE DOWN the marble banister. I resisted this childish urge for several days, as the stairs were high traffic areas and I wasn't keen on an audience. :) But I would imagine myself doing it every time I ran up or down the stairs and I just knew the marble would be the perfect sliding surface.
On the third day I found myself alone on the stairway in the quieter corner of the capitol building. It was too much. I glanced around covertly to make sure no one would see. And then I went for it. It was so smooth, just as I'd imagined it. I landed safely with a little hop. I looked around again and to my dismay a senator was watching me at the top of the stairs with a bemused look on his face. I smiled sheepishly. He never said a word, but his eyes twinkled and he winked at me. I couldn't help but think he'd always wanted to do the same thing in his starched suit and shiny shoes.
That is my fondest memory of paging at the capital. It makes me happy to think of the smooth marble ride, of breaking the rules and the senator who approved.
WEHW! You had me worryed there! Thats not a deep, dark secret!! I've done it before. :)
...So what is your deepest, darkest secret?
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