
looking on the bright side

I woke up this morning with a terrible, horrible cold,
but I got to sleep 'til ten-forty!

Today is Monday,
but I didn't have to go to school!

The weather is a little colder than would be my preference,
but the sun is shining and the daffodils are blooming!

My ears feel like they're stuffed with cotton,
but for once my back doesn't hurt!

I have to do laundry tonight,
but I'm wearing my favorite plaid shoes!

I had to deal with a transportation miscommunication,
but I got to spend an hour relaxing at Starbucks!

I can't really sing because my throat hurts,
but I still get to make music with my flute!

I really really miss everyone from camp,
but I only have to wait 95 more days to go back!

I can't eat ice cream,
but I can drink chai tea!

I ran the 5K pretty slowly,
but I accomplished a big goal!

I was the only person in my age division,
so I received the blue ribbon!

My eyes are watery,
but I don't have a zit on the end of my nose!

I have to go to school tomorrow,
but we have a field trip all day Wednesday!

I haven't had luck with poetry-writing lately,
but I've been cleaning my room!

I didn't get to dance today,
but I got to play games with Drew!

I have to get up incredibly early tomorrow,
but that means I have time to drink tea!

I have to go do homework right now,
but I don't have very much!

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