
a list, of all things...

1. I learned today that I especially enjoy fifty-yard dashes.

2. I feel like I'm finally learning how to study and how to manage homework so that my stress load is decreased. It's such a wonderful feeling to be able to breathe again.

3. I just decided that I really like the color orange. Why did I think I hated it for so many years? It is bright, vibrant, and exciting. Of course, several shades are downright disgusting--but of course that's true of every color. I wonder if that was the case before the fall? Probably not, I say.

4. I love the way God gives me gifts all throughout every day: encouragement, friendship, laughter, even little things like hearing birdsong in the morning, joy in my heart, the knowledge of His presence when I'm not necessarily expecting it, and the knowledge that I am safe in His nail-scarred hands. He is so, so good!

5. Summer's coming! The third quarter of my school year ends this week. Of course I look forward to the opportunity to sleep past six-thirty in the morning, but I'm more excited about watermelon and sunshine and dance and Circle of Friends Camp, of course.

6. I'm finding that art, music, dance, even running track can all be an expression of praise to my Creator. I'll have to write more about that later. I am immensely excited.

7. Did anyone catch the irony/double meaning in my title? It was unintentional; I just noticed it myself and it made me smile.

8. I have a sneaking suspicion that nobody reads my blog anymore (except for me, myself, and I), but I enjoy doing it anyway. Of course, now I'm curious: leave a comment if you read this. =)

Life is good. God is better.


Kelly said...

I read! I love hearing how things are going in your life. :)

Anonymous said...


I read your blog still! i love to see what is going on in your life and you encourage me!

cassie said...

It's a good thing you didn't leave the comma out of your title. See, punctuation is important, people!!! So is spilling.

Julia said...

I think so too. Spelling is the most important part of them awl. =D

Laura said...

so is it just Julia, Cassie and I? I love reading your musings Julia. you inspire me...

Laura said...

oh, and Kelly too. sorry.

Anonymous said...

Julia, I still read your blog. I like to go back and read it and remember how you were. You have grown and changed so much. You were beautiful then, you are beautiful now. I can only say that it has been one of the greatest blessings of my life to be your mom. I love you.