I saw God's fingerprint tonight.... in the smiles of two two-year-olds. I saw it as we sang Jesus Loves Me and My God is So Big. I felt it when they hugged me goodnight. "I yuv oo, Julia!" I heard it as we giggled about toes wiggled, and how God made them. I was so blessed to be able to babysit tonight. I love it!
I've always wanted to have a little sister. I remember praying for one often. I believed, of course, that God knew best, but I also thought that having a little sister was best. To make a long story short, a couple of years ago God brought me to the point of leaving the situation in His hands, a place of contentment.
Soon after, I began babysitting. Working for the young families of the church is something I've always enjoyed. Over the past two years, I've gotten to know the children very well.
One night, I walked into our church's coffeehouse. Instantly I heard three little voices shout, "Julia!" I dropped my books and opened my arms and I was promptly showered with hugs, giggles, and chocolaty kisses. The kids were overjoyed to see me there, and as they welcomed me, I tried not to cry--for it was then that God showed me that He has, indeed, given me little sisters and brothers. About twelve of them! I have had the privilege of being a part of their lives, of seeing them grow, of investing in their hearts. I've had the opportunity to love them just as much as if they were truly related to me. I couldn't ask for more!
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
When I chose to be content in my present circumstances and simply trust God, He chose to bless me through babysitting. Also, I've been able to shift my focus from getting a little sister to enjoying my two brothers. They are great, and I now enjoy them so much!
I thank God for all my little brothers and sisters. He does, indeed, know best!
as a parent, it means so much when other people LOVE our children. they are so special to us and when we see others look at them with a sincere love and concern for their well being and happiness, we are filled with overwhelming joy as well. thanks for loving our kids.
oh and i do want to appologize for not calling on you more often, i'm always hesitant cause i feel like you already do so much for so many of the families, i don't want to overwhelm you with more to do... but know that you really are a treasure to us and the entire congregation!
As Dana said, it's a huge blessing to us as parents when other people love our kids and want to be around them. You, Julia, are a jewel. It brings tears to my eyes just thinking about who you are. I love your smile. I love the way you always think the best of things before the worst. I love that you so willingly go with the flow. I love that your heart is so tender towards the Lord and that you give Him your best. I love that you love all the little kids and that you are the one most of us think of first for babysitting. (Although for us, if it's not our friends who watch the kids, it's YOU! You're it!) I love that only you could have gotten Jo to dress up as Superman and take such a hilarious picture of him. I love the way you want to give your life to others and you intentionally seek people out to pray for them. Thank you for treasuring my kids enough to take time to pray for them. It's a treasure having you in our lives. I hope (if we really get to move there) that you will become an even greater part of our lives in years to come. I love you. I'm so proud of you.
Thank you so much for the encouraging comments! Indeed, you and your families are a blessing in my life as well.
Julia...that picture of Victoria is PRECIOUS! I love it! I, too, love seeing your love towards little kids and your service to the families...I really admire you, and look up to you in that.
I was just thinking about how amazing God is in making beauty out of our ashes. It seems that I've heard a lot lately (from others and in my own life) how God uses a lack in someone's life to birth bigger blessings for them and others.
Someone told me of a guy who grew up in Russia as an orphan and was never adopted, who had to endure the pain of watching others be chosen all of his growning up years. When he got older he came to america to be part of a program where teens get taken in for a summer, but he didn't get chosen then, either. He did become a Christian during that time though, and when he became an adult, he went back to Russia and started a home for kids just coming out of the orphange, to give them much needed lifeskills training. Because of the void in his life, God used him to minister to others in a desperately needed way! Isn't that beautiful!
This has gotten kind of long, but I was just thinking of how God has given you such a special place with some of the church families that you might not have had if you had had your own little sister. I love you Julia!
Your Sis, Cassie
Thanks, Cass! I love you too.
The picture of Victoria was taken once when we finger-painted with chocolate pudding. It was so fun! The reason she's so messy is because she insisted on licking it off her paper. Janie, on the other hand, only painted with four fingers and got a tiny smidgen of pudding around her mouth! That's one of my favorite memories of babysitting for them. =)
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