"Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ..." Ephesians 1:2
I love this greeting. In fact I wish that we, as the Body of Christ, used it more often! Grace and peace. Maybe I'll write about grace later--it's a beautiful thing! But this time, it's about peace.
Peace. What a rare concept in America today! We rush around, doing "this'n'that'n'the other," and our lives quickly grow so busy, complicated, rushed, and frazzled that we just want to scream!
It's important to take time out to rest and relax. Sometimes, it's really difficult to actually make it happen! God has greatly blessed me with two new ways to relax--both of which I greatly enjoy and from which I benefit greatly!
1) The illustrious LeTU library. Really, it's not so illustrious, but I just like the word. (New favorite, Cassie!) It's more quiet and peaceful than anything else, I think. There aren't usually small children, like there are in abundance at the public library, and it's much less foreign to me. There are lots and lots of old books, which I love- especially the four long rows of English Literature And Classic Poetry. And there are wonderfully large, sumptuously soft armchairs with ottomans located in the most convenient places. It's very conducive to a quiet hour of reading or journaling. And to thinking, which is something I do all the time!
So I've been walking over to the library often lately. I've been reading the Bible a lot there, and journaling, and perusing other random books. Going to the library is always relaxing! I think it's a new favorite place to be. I'm getting to know one of the librarians quite well now- she is so sweet and a blessing to me!
2) Drinking tea. Bailey, after I talked to you last Wednesday about tea, I realized a few things about myself. Namely, that I love tea, that I don't have tea very often, and that I need to make time to have tea. Life is short! So, a few nights ago I made a little pot of Sleepytime tea before bedtime, and sat on my bed and drank it. I happened to look over and see myself in the mirror, and I realized that tea is, in a way, a social event, and I needed someone with whom to share it. Suddenly I remembered--I'm not alone. Christ the Lord is with me!
So now I have tea before bed as often as I can. It's my favorite time of the day, I think--how sweet it is to simply be with Jesus, instead of always doing. He is such a sweet Friend and Lover, and it's wonderful to sit and thank him for my day, and ponder verses from his word, and simply delight in His presence!
God is so good--I want to encourage you to take some time to simply rest in His arms.
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says:
“In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."
Isaiah 30:15 NIV
"Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."
Matthew 11:28-29
most people know that I do not enjoy reading very much. as a matter of fact, it's very difficult for me to get through reading a book to the kids without yawning several times (i'm working on it though). anyways, as i was reading your description of the LU library it brought back memories of the time i spent in israel. the library there was VERY small. just 3 or 4 rows of books maybe in the first half, but the second half was a room where 3 walls were large windows. usually they were open (ah, if only i could smell the mediterranean breeze once more) and when i was there i LOVED reading. it was the most peaceful place I've ever been. it was also pretty fun when a few of us were together "studying" and laughing, but that's a-whole-nother story! i'm glad you've found your peaceful spot :)
The LETU library sound beautiful. I am just a tad bit jealous. But I'm glad God's given me "my own library" (the kids section in the public library.) I think (know) He's got me there for a reason...even if it's sometimes far from relaxing. For that, ther're moonlit walks up and down our delightfully expansive driveway. Thanks for sharing,Julia. And I was so blessed by our talk on Wednes.
love you! Cassie
Wow, Mrs. Huber, that sounds wonderful! I've always wanted to smell the Mediterranean breeze. =) How long did you spend in Israel?
Cass, I can't wait to hear how God uses you in the public library. You are a braver soul than I! I tend to avoid that library at all costs.
Thanks for coming on Wednesday- I was also blessed. I hope it works out again next time you're in the neighborhood!
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