Kate tagged me for this. I was rather excited, since I've never been tagged for anything online before!
Here's how it works:
*Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
*Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog, we all want to know them.
*Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
*Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
Since I am really wierd, I might end up with a few extra! OK, time for a rule change for my poor taggees. Write as many (appropriate) wierd things as you can think of!
1) I don't like to sleep with pillows. I am much more comfortable without.
2) I prefer room-temperature water to ice water--even in the summertime.
3) I don't like to paint my fingernails. My toenails, however, are almost always painted.
4) I never get nervous about my Youth Symphony Orchestra concerts--even when I have solos. The first time, I was so nervous I couldn't even tune my flute because I was shaking so badly! Now, I enjoy playing in concerts so much--it's one of the most fun things I do.
5) I have a wierd liking for odd socks.
6) I really like pruning rosebushes (and doing other gardeny things).
7) What stresses me out the most? Having a messy room. If my room is a mess, my life doesn't go very smoothly!
8) I can't stand mayonnaise. I like eating all sorts of other wierd foods, though--including sushi. I've eaten fried crickets, fried worms, octopus salsa, and liverwurst, and other strange things I can't think of right now!
9) I get tired of my blog color every few months and have to change it. My current favorite blog colors are blue and raspberry, if you haven't noticed.
10) I have carrots in my ears.
11) I don't like writing with pencils.
12) I enjoy hanging out with friends in the laundromat.
13) On January second, I'm ready for spring to come. What's up with the winter? I thought this was Texas!
14) I don't like rollercoasters, but I climbed a 40-ft telephone pole and jumped off the top, aiming at a trapeze ten feet away. That was so much fun, and I wasn't even nervous until I was back on the ground afterwards! That was wierd. Everyone was impressed with my cool bravery on top--but when I got down, I almost melted!
15) My Spanish is actually pretty good when I'm in Mexico--but when I get home, I forget almost all of my vocabulary.
16) I absolutely love the music of the cello. If I didn't play flute, that would be my instrument of choice, I think.
17) I started learning to read when I was three years old.
18) I love onions and garlic. I can hardly get enough of them!
Since my fellow bloggers have tagged nearly everyone in my blogosphere, I can only tag two people: Mary and Bailey. Have fun!
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