Trying not to scratch...
I have an awful case of poison ivy. I got it while I was clearing some brush. I was really careful to avoid poison ivy, but I think I must have hit a dead vine. I just found out that the irritant remains potent on a dead vine (even without leaves!) for one to five years. Ack.
"Leaves of three, leave it be" didn't quite cut it this time.
I have a really bad full rash covering the inside of my right arm, and spots all over my left arm, and it's on both ankles, spreading up my legs, on one cheek, my stomach, the top of my ear, and under my chin. The worst part is that it seems to be everywhere (and it's still breaking out), so as soon as one place stops itching two other spots begin to itch again, etc.
When something painful happens to me, I'm usually able to think of a way to make it amusing. When I got my first cavity, I enjoyed writing about it. When I banged up my toe, I blogged about it while my brothers skeptically watched me giggling at the keyboard. (I don't know about you, but I was quite amused.)
But this time, I have a problem. I can't think of anything funny to say about my poison ivy. I can't seem to make it comical, which is a real bummer. I tried while we were driving down the road, my hands pressed to the car roof to keep myself from scratching my chin. I tried while I laid on the couch, warm oatmeal plastered on my arms and held in place by Saran Wrap. (By the way, if you ever get poison ivy, try that. It helped.) I thought it would be easy to joke about poison, itching, and oatmeal, but I can't seem to think of anything. At all. And that's almost worse than the itching.
I haven't completely lost hope. Perhaps my sense of humor will pick up in the morning. (I doubt it, though--I have to go to school like this.) And I know that the poison ivy won't last forever. I'm taking care of it properly, and it's not as bad as it would be otherwise. But this will be a rough week. (Long, itchy sigh...)
So check back soon. Because a flash of inspiration might hit me during an inopportune moment, and I'll know that my funny bone hasn't failed me. Then I'll burst into laughter at school with my head in my locker, others wondering what's gotten into me (not really, they're used to it by now), and then I'll know I'm getting wetter.
I meant getting better. It must be bedtime.
1 comment:
I was thinking that just the mere image of what you look like to others in your scratching state might be inspiration. It would probably make me giggle out of the blue so all heads would turn to me and I'd just have to smirk. Then of course that would make me giggle some more and then everyone would be watching me and I'd be on the floor rolling ALL BY MYSELF! That would be pretty humorous! Try it cause I'd kind of like to know how it goes. :)
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